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The US government He is extending its winning streak against Apple. For the second time, federal authorities have told the tech giant based in Cupertino "does not matter" when it comes to unlock the iPhone. This time, it was not because the researchers were able to hack into the smartphone drug dealer in New York was the center of the dispute, but rather because the access code was provided to them by an unidentified source.

In a letter to US District Judge Margo Brodie, prosecutors said they were able to examine the contents of the iPhone in the Thursday night, and therefore withdrew their request for help from Apple. Earlier, federal investigators pursuing legal action against the company run by Tim Cook, in the case of an iPhone linked to one of the terrorists San Bernardino. That case also ended without any involvement by Apple, as a third unidentified even helped the government to access the device.

"As mentioned above, these cases have never been about setting a legal precedent, which are about the ability of law enforcement and the need for access to testing devices in accordance with the law and court orders search warrant, "said Justice Department spokeswoman Emily Pierce said in a statement on Friday.

Beginning Friday night, Apple representatives have not offered a statement on the latter case.

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That said, the iEmpire refuses to cooperate in the case, saying it had "probable minimum data on the phone probative value." Moreover, the technology company said that since the government had previously demonstrated perfectly capable of hacking an iPhone, Apple's assistance was not needed.

But the issue, the feds say, it is not a matter of being able to access the phone, but rather the Apple sends message by refusing to cooperate.

"The general public may think twice before cooperating with the police when you are prompted to do so, negating centuries of well-established law and common practice," said various professional associations law enforcement. "Apple's refusal to provide assistance, if validated by this Court, will reach public security ramifications of giving criminals a safe haven to carry out their illegal activities."

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